A new quarter for Oxford

Oxford is growing and the city is changing – Oxpens has a part to play. 

Our vision is to create an exciting mixed-use neighbourhood for the city, opening up the riverside to provide a new public space for people to enjoy. Oxpens is a big opportunity for Oxford, with new homes and new jobs within the new innovation district.

The two Oxpens planning applications are now available to view

Oxwed submitted two planning applications to Oxford City Council. These have now been validated and are available for view and comment via the OCC Planning Portal. We have also prepared a Quick Guide to the two planning applications which is available below.

Visit the OCC Planning Portal directly and use the below reference numbers, or clink the links to access these pages directly:

Outline Application 22/02954/OUT

Detailed Enabling Works Application 22/02955/FUL

Welcoming the opportunity for the West End and Osney Mead SPD

Oxford is evolving in the face of challenges and opportunities, facing the future with confidence and working to enable positive change within the city.  Having an SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) for the West End and Osney Mead that creates a clear framework for future development is welcome. 

The regeneration of Oxpens has significant potential and will contribute to making Oxford an even better place.  For us to be able to play a part in enabling a wider vision and everything that could be achieved through an SPD is exciting and we look forward to seeing how the SPD proposals move forward.

Oxford City Council has been consulting on the SPD this summer, with the consultation closing today (17 August 2022).  Our hope for Oxpens is that our site can now come forward with the benefit of even better coordination and integration with other sites across the West End.

The SPD will establish a framework that benefits everyone.  Crucially, it will help Oxpens and the other pieces of the West End jigsaw to progress in a way that delivers on homes, jobs, high-quality public space, and the challenges of addressing the climate emergency.

We have submitted a formal response to the consultation to welcome this framework, and we look forward to the City Council moving forward with the SPD. 

More on the SPD at: https://www.oxford.gov.uk/news/article/2217/council_invites_views_on_latest_stage_of_major_transformation_of_oxford_west_end_and_osney_mead


What is Oxpens?

The Oxpens site is an under-used but central and well-connected piece of land between Oxpens Road and the river. It’s currently home to a car park, several buildings, some old railway sidings and some areas of scrubland. The site encompasses the meadows and borders the ice rink.

What’s the opportunity?

Our vision is to create an exciting mixed-use neighbourhood for the city in a highly sustainable location with a range of commercial and residential buildings that are connected by high quality public space and which make the most of the site’s relationship with the river.   

Our objectives

  • Enhancing the river edge and extending Oxpens Meadow

  • Protecting and enhancing nature and biodiversity of habitat

  • Extending the public realm network to include a new outdoor gathering space for performances, hospitality and informal activity

  • Making the area sustainable, low carb and flood resilient

  • Creating a safe, connected, accessible and inclusive place for all

  • Improving Oxpens Road, enhancing the cycle and pedestrian connections in the area and integrating the proposed Oxpens River Bridge into the masterplan

  • Providing a mix of uses to add to Oxford’s residential, employment and hospitality offer

  • Creating a distinctive identity that connects to Oxpens’ creative past and feels part of Oxford

  • Creating an attractive neighbourhood for residents, workers and visitors.

Why should you be interested?

Please get involved:

The design team have worked through all of the feedback and updated the proposals. We will be displaying these here, and at events in early November.

Previous engagement

Material on the emerging plans was launched on 13 July 2021. Feedback has been compiled into a report - Summer 2021 Feedback Report

Thank you – your input is appreciated and we’re grateful for your interest and contribution. You can view past material HERE

Your input is helping to shape these plans.

The next stage of the design process is to hear your thoughts on how the plans have developed and continue to listen to your ideas and feedback. 

Our goal is to prepare an outstanding masterplan and set of proposals for Oxpens and to submit a planning application in early 2022.

Whether you joined us at the last stage or not, we would welcome your input. 


OXWED LLP is a joint venture between Oxford City Council and Nuffield College and owns the majority of the land at Oxpens allocated for redevelopment under the Oxford Local Plan.

Upcoming events

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