Our Commitment to a Brighter Future for Oxford
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Note: Board at work/design workshop image could insert here?
The Oxpens project is being promoted by OxWED LLP, a joint venture between Oxford City Council and Nuffield College.
OXWED is a key contributor to the wider regeneration of Oxford’s West End, of which Oxpens is set to be a vital part. OxWED aims to improve the social, economic and environmental well-being for people living in, working in, or visiting the City of Oxford, and sees the development of Oxpens and the West End as central to that goal.
Kevin Minns is the MD of OXWED, which is run by a dedicated Board of Directors supported by specialist regeneration and development professionals.

Meet the OxWED Directors who are working on bringing forward development at Oxpens.
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The OXWED Team
Our delivery team is led by Kevin Minns, Managing Director of OXWED..
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Principal Planning & Design Team
Architecture and Urban Design
Landscape Design
Prior + Partners
Kevin Murray Associates
Community & Stakeholder Engagement
Gardiner & Theobold
Project Management
Supporting Specialist Team
Civil, Structural and Flood Engineering
Real Estate
Built Heritage
Heritage and Townscape Consultant
Views Consultant
People Movement
Fourth Street
Public Realm Advice
Transport Consultant